Shattered Peace Book Series
C ome for a visit to Peace Ridge Village and stay for a while. It’s the place where everyone knows your name and your business, but no one passes judgment. Sit down at the Crossroads Convenience store where the coffee is always fresh and the conversation stimulating and engaging. But not gossip! Romyn Randall, the owner of the store, makes sure of that. Celebrate with the successes of the Villagers and grieve with them as they undergo unimaginable heartaches in life’s journey.
But they know God is in control and they rely on that with the help of Pastor Ed Mitchell who struggles with his own losses. You’ll find the good neighbors of Peace Ridge Village surround one another with love, understanding, and support. True to their rural small-town roots, they know that in this life there are trials and what helps one get through it is the enduring love of God and the godly support of good neighbors. And they often need that support when shysters from out of town try to take advantage of them.

Marilyn Phillips bio
M arilyn began to keep a diary when she was ten years old and that 50+ year cache formed the foundation of her first book, “A Wild Olive Shoot” which was her personal spiritual journey to a renewed relationship with Jesus Christ.
One of her 4th grade assignments was on Shakespeare and she took it upon herself to rewrite one of the plays in “American English”.